
In the current data-driven world, businesses are adopting advanced technologies to stay competitive. Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the way businesses interact with data, allowing intelligent conversations and extracting valuable insights. However, LLMs have their limitations - first, they are trained on general data with historical cut-off dates making it challenging for them to provide real-time insights. In addition, LLMs do not have access to proprietary data further limiting their scope. Second, without being provided relevant external data, LLMs struggle to answer specific questions related to a company’s specific business application.

A retrieval augmented generation (RAG) system addresses these challenges by integrating external data, potentially from private company data, with an LLM to provide accurate and up-to-date responses. A RAG system fetches relevant external data to add to the LLM’s context to accurately answer a question. Utilizing RAG-based LLM systems is an important tool for enabling LLMs to provide accurate responses to real-time inquiries.

Although a RAG system enhances an LLM’s ability to provide correct responses, there is still a need to optimize a RAG system for precise context retrieval and optimal responses. This article discusses how to cold start a RAG system, which involves preparing a dataset of questions and the best context to answer the questions, and functionality that allows users to asses the accuracy of the context retrieval and determine the parameters to tune in order to improve the accuracy of the RAG system. The following sections outline the process of initiating and refining a RAG system for evaluation and tuning.

Data Ingestion and Index creation

To cold start a RAG system, an external index of data needs to be provided to the LLM. For our analysis, data is gathered from ten reports formatted as pdfs. These reports vary in their content, page length, formatting, structure, visual elements, tone, and writing style. This collection of reports provides a diverse set of data to generate questions from. Table 1 below provides summary statistics regarding the size of these pdfs and illustrates the variation in terms of size.

Table 1: Summary of report statistics

ReportsFile size (mb)PagesCharacters# of Text Chunks
MovinOn Mobility Survey11.91623,51415
SNAP Shoppers Whitepaper1.478,8046
Numerator Growth in Sight Whitepaper2.21722,60916
Social Media Trends 201918.93058,55530
Category Management Best Practices1.8611,0015
Promo WP CPG Sales and Business Development0.758,0455
Numerator Dynamic Recovery Segmentations0.4715,1266
Marketing Mix Modeling Best Practices1.21115,37910
Kids Audience Behavior Across Platforms5.93050,13630
How Consumers Are Adapting to the Evolving Retail Landscape9.91610,85816

These reports are loaded and the text is extracted from each pdf using optical character recognition. After the text is extracted, a text splitter is used to partition the data into pages where each text chunk represents a page. The text splitter recognizes single line-breaks, double-line breaks, and spaces ensuring that sentences and paragraphs are kept in the same chunks. Next, these text chunks are stored in two different types of indexes. The first type of index is called a “Summary Index” which stores the text chunks as a sequential chain. The second type of index is called a “Vector Store Index” where these text chunks are stored and transformed into numerical vector embeddings. Words or sequences of words are given a numerical representation in terms of an N-dimensional vector space, where “N” represents the number of dimensions. The purpose is to encode a word such that words with similar semantic meaning are encoded near each other in the N-dimensional vector space. OpenAI’s text-embedding-ada-002 model, which creates a 1536-dimensional vector for each word or sequence of words, is used to generate vector representations of the text. In total, there over 141 text chunks that will be used to generate questions and answers from.

Question Generation Process

In order to evaluate the context retrieval of a RAG system, question-context pairs are generated that can only be answered using information from the associated text chunk. The previously mentioned Summary Index is used to generate these question-context pairs where each question is best answered with the context provided. The process is described below:

  1. Generate a question based off a specific text chunk.
  2. Iterate across text chunks and, if necessary, revise the question in Step 1 so that it cannot be answered by other text chunks.
  3. If it is not possible to generate a question specific to the text chunk described in steps 1-2, then a “Failed” response will be generated.
  4. Save the generated response as: (1) a question generated from unique text chunk described in step 1 or (2) “Failed” response.

This process is repeated until a Question or Failed response is generated for each text chunk. Generating these question-context pairs rely on two types of prompts utilized during steps 1 and 2 above. The first prompt is used to initialize the process of generating an unique question and is described below:

text_qa_prompt = (
"Context information is below.\n"
"Query information is below.\n"
"Using both the context information and the query information above, "
"please write me a factual question that can ONLY be answered by the above query information\n"
"and CANNOT be answered by the context above.\n"
"If you cannot generate a question that can ONLY be answered from the above query information, then respond with the word 'Failed'"

Where {query_str} represents the specific text chunk mentioned in Step 1 and {context_str} represents the next text chunk contained in the document. After an initial question is generated, a second prompt is used to iterate across all the remaining text chunks to revise or keep the same question. This second prompt is described below:

refine_template_str = (
"The original query information is as follows: {query_str}\n"
"We have provided an existing answer: {existing_answer}\n"
"Please refine the existing answer (only if needed)"
"such that it CANNOT be answered with the new context below.\n"
"Using both the new context and your own knowledge, update or repeat the existing answer.\n"

Where the {query_str} represents the specific text chunk mentioned in step 1 and the {existing_answer} represents the question that was previously generated. The {context_msg} contains information from the next text chunk in the document, which the model uses to determine if the question needs to be updated. Table 2 below provides a few examples of generated question-context pairs from the process described above:

Table 2: Examples of question-context pairs generated from various reports

MovinOn Mobility Survey2Who conducted the survey on post-COVID mobility and lifestyles among young urban dwellers aged 18-34?
MovinOn Mobility Survey3What does the respondent from Nantes use as their means of transportation?
MovinOn Mobility Survey4What percentage of Gen Z and Y use shared mobility applications?
MovinOn Mobility Survey5What percentage of Gen Z thinks that owning a car is an important stage in life compared to Gen X?

There were 133 questions generated from these 141 text chunks with 8 text chunks reporting a “Failed” response suggesting a unique question could not be generated. The next section discusses how answers are generated and context retrieval is evaluated.

Answer Generation and Evaluation of Context Retrieval

The next step in the RAG system is to prompt the LLM to generate answers for the questions that have been created during the Question Generation process. To perform this process, the LLM is given access to the external data indexed in a Vector Store Index (as described in the Data Ingestion and Index Creation section) and retrieves the top 4 most similar text chunks used to generate a response. The responses are stored along with the four retrieved text chunks. Table 3 below provides a few examples of the generated responses and retrieved text chunks, sorted in ascending order according to their semantic similarity score (higher scores are more similar to the question).

Table 3: Examples of question-context pairs, answers, and retrieved text chunks from various reports

QuestionAnswerRetrieved Text Chunks (ascending order)Reciprocal rank
Who conducted the survey on post-COVID mobility and lifestyles among young urban dwellers aged 18-34?The survey on post-COVID mobility and lifestyles among young urban dwellers aged 18-34 was conducted by Kantar.{page label: 2, file name: 'MovinOn Mobility Survey},
{page_label’: 10, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},
{page_label: 11, file_name: 'MovinOn Mobility Survey},
What does the respondent from Nantes use as their means of transportation?The respondent from Nantes uses a combination of their car and a streetcar for transportation. They drive their car to a streetcar stop and then complete their journey using the streetcar. This method is chosen for its convenience and speed, as it eliminates the need to find parking.{page_label: 7, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},
{page_label: 3, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},
{page_label: 4, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},
What percentage of Gen Z and Y use shared mobility applications?61% of Gen Z and Y use shared mobility applications.{page_label: 5, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},
{page_label: 4, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},
{page_label: 3, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},
What percentage of Gen Z thinks that owning a car is an important stage in life compared to Gen X?32% of Gen Z consider that owning a car is an important stage in life, compared to 34% for Gen X.{page_label: 5, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},
{page_label: 4, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},
{page_label: 3, file_name: MovinOn Mobility Survey},

The same questions in Table 2 are shown along with the answers generated, retrieved text chunks, and another variable “reciprocal rank,” which we will describe in the next paragraph. For illustration purposes, the retrieved text chunks used to generate questions are bolded.

To evaluate if the correct text chunk is retrieved, we identify the rank of the text chunk containing the information needed to answer the question. This information is then used to construct the reciprocal rank (1/rank) for each question. The reciprocal rank indicates the position of the relevant text chunk needed to answer the question. For example, a reciprocal rank of 1 means the top retrieved text chunk was the one that contained the relevant information to answer the questions while a reciprocal rank of 1/4 mean the the 4th highest retrieved text chunk contained the relevant information. In Table 3, a few examples of reciprocal rank are provided where the relevant text chunks were either the first or second highest retrieved text chunk. These reciprocal rank scores are gathered to construct the mean reciprocal rank (MRR), which is a measure of how effective the RAG system is at retrieving the relevant context. The formula for constructing MRR is illustrated in Equation 1 below:

Equation 1: Formula for constructing Mean Reciprocal Rank

\begin{align*} MRR & = {\frac{1}{N}}\quad{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}{\frac{1}{rank_i}}} \quad \end{align*}

Where NN represents the total number of questions and rankirank_i represents the position of the relevant text chunk for the ithith question. Table 4 illustrates the reciprocal rank results aggregated for each report and aggregated for all reports. For each report and across all reports, the MRR and corresponding standard deviation are provided. The MRR across all reports was 0.81. However, there is substantial variation in MRR across reports ranging from 0.69 to 1.00. This finding suggests certain types of reports are easier (or more challenging) to retrieve the relevant text chunks from.

Table 4: MRR results across all reports

Reports# of text chunksMRRStandard deviation
MovinOn Mobility Survey150.720.37
SNAP Shoppers Whitepaper61.000.00
Numerator Growth in Sight Whitepaper160.690.43
Social Media Trends 2019300.860.30
Category Management Best Practices50.790.33
Promo WP CPG Sales and Business Development51.000.00
Numerator Dynamic Recovery Segmentations60.690.39
Marketing Mix Modeling Best Practices100.880.25
Kids Audience Behavior Across Platforms300.730.35
How Consumers Are Adapting to the Evolving Retail Landscape160.970.13

Tuning for Optimal Context Retrieval

To initialize the RAG system, text chunks are transformed to vector embeddings and stored in a Vector Store Index. The text chunks are retrieved by prompting the LLM and retrieving the top 4 most semantically similar text chunks. However, there are several ways to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the context retrieval of a RAG system. Tuning a RAG system is a comprehensive process and provided below are a few factors to consider adjusting:

Tuning the RAG system directly impacts the MRR and standard deviation associated with context retrieval. Higher MRR values indicate a more effective RAG system in locating relevant information. Lower standard deviations signify consistency in context retrieval and increase the reliability of the RAG system. Adjusting the parameters in a RAG system is fundamental to unlocking the full potential of LLMs. Through continuous evaluation, experimentation, and refinement of the RAG system, companies can develop a highly efficient and accurate RAG system tailored to their specific business applications.

Concluding remarks

This article discusses the need for developing a RAG system that enables LLMs to provide real-time insights incorporating external data to suit a company’s specific business application. We walked through the process of developing a RAG system and evaluating the effectiveness in accurately retrieving information to answer questions. The evaluation involved measuring the MRR associated with using a simple vector search that retrieves the top 4 most similar text chunks. Then, we briefly mentioned that the context retrieval of a RAG system can be improved by tuning its parameters. Some parameters include the type of index to use, number of text chunks retrieved, fine-tuning embedding models, and including a post-processor. The next part of this series “Cold Start and Tuning for Retrieval Augmented Generation: Part 2” delves deeper into tuning these parameters to optimize the RAG system and specifically improve context retrieval and response generation.